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The poem «Das Lied von Kulager» – «Kulager» poem w...

15.06.2016 2717

The poem «Das Lied von Kulager» – «Kulager» poem were presented

The poem «Das Lied von Kulager» – «Kulager» poem were presented -
At the Republican National Library hosted the premiere in Kazakhstan of  presentation of the book of Ilyas Zhansugurov "Kulager" translated into German language by writer, radio broadcaster Gert Heidenreich. 


Recall that earlier book was first announced by the German readers in Germany, in Leipzig.


The event was attended by Author of German translation himself, Mr. Gert Heidenreich, author of the sculpture "Kulager"  located on the route Kokshetau-Almaty - writer, academician of the Humanitarian Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Writers' Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan, honorary citizen of Ulan district of East Kazakhstan region and Tselinograd district of Akmola region, honored coach of the national team for the riding, founder and chairman of the movement of the Great Steppe Eagles, author of several books, the editor of seven national magazines Sadybek Tugelmen.

I guess, that it will be necessary to say that Mr. Hert Heidenreich with author of sculpture Sadybek Tugelmen visited the place were it's situated

Also on presentation was an author of direct translation, the candidate to scientists of Filology and Diplomate - Adilbek Alzhanov. Who told us story of book "Kulager". We want to mention that book was translated from original language - Kazakh. 

 One of the guests of presentation and Founder of Fund named after Ilyas Zhansugurov - Zhandosova sisters.
The book has audioversion , also it will be read on German Broadcast Radio Channels by Hert Heidenreich.



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