More than 20 years ago, the people of Kazakhstan made a principled choice in favor of a non-nuclear-weapons world. That process began in Almaty in 1991 when N.Nazarbayev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, signed a decree to close the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site. It put an end to 40 years of nuclear tests. The power of these explosions was equal to 2,500 atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima. More than 1.5 million people suffered from those nuclear tests, and the radiation polluted an area roughly the size of today’s Germany.
As an independent state, the position of Kazakhstan was clear: Kazakhstan should become a state free of nuclear weapons. We, therefore, signed agreements for the withdrawal of those nuclear weapons and their means of delivery from our country.
In exchange, Kazakhstan gained the status of a non-nuclear-weapon state and international guarantees of security and territorial integrity from the leading nuclear powers — the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China. With the assistance of Russia and the United States, Kazakhstan eliminated the nuclear-weapons infrastructure on its territory.
Find out some books below about nuclear tests.

The editor, Dr. Arata Osada, collected school essays written in 1950 by children of Hiroshima. He organized them by age from primary school (5th grade) through college. Thus the children were between 5 and about 15 in 1945. Many of these accounts are touching and emotional in their stark simplicity. Too often we think objectively of war. This volume provides a subjective view of young people caught up in a cataclysmic event and its aftermath. It is a testament to humanity. Such a book written by children of Rwanda, or Cambodia, or Bosnia might equal this book, but I fear they too would soon be out of print. No one wants to read the plain truth without justifications, explanations, analyses, plans of action, etc. Just what was.

To the victims of nuclear tests and ecological catastrophes.
There are three global tasks standing before the mankind today. They are: defence of peace, safeguarding spirituality and nature protection. These are the fundamental conditions for our further existence. Each of them is incomplete without another. The future of not only Kazakhstan but whole the world depends on these three elements.
We will be ever facing Hamlet’s question «To be or not to be» concerning tomorrow’s mankind, if we do not listen to the voice of prudence.
The technical development of the world has progressed leaps and bounds. Thereby the man became a spendthrift wasting natural resources. His creative energy is spent in vain, and he loses the ability to embrace the richest ocean of the culture and the thought, collected by the previous generations drop by drop.
Unfortunately, we are far from realising this fully. The intellectual and ideological vacuum leads people to avoiding reality and casts them down into the abyss of spiritual, moral and physical decadency.

Things that yesterday still seemed to be inviolable, today are unnecessary. Probably, someone will have a crazy thought after reading of this book: what if the author distracts his readers idealizing other events and exaggerating rigidity of others?

The collected volume is made of Olzhas Suleymenov's aphoristic statements about policy, literature, art, friendship, love, a science and religion.
In 1973 Suleymenov wrote a very subtle for stagnant Soviet period the poem on Kazakhstan «A wild field» which came to an end with words: «And long live prohibition of tests! » Of course it was about tests on Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site. At the height of the cold war it was a bold move. Only during 1949 for 1963 the capacity of explosions of all tested near Semipalatinsk nuclear and hydrogen bombs 2500 times surpassed capacity of the American nuclear bomb dumped to Hiroshima. The region was injured badly. And who if not a national poet, should rise against it?
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