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Akhmet Baitursynuly
Our entire life in the two quatrains of Esengali R...

24.11.2016 2366

Our entire life in the two quatrains of Esengali Raushan

Our entire life in the two quatrains of Esengali Raushan -


One Poem - the whole World


"The poetry of the world" function is complicated with the increasing age of the universe. Earlier, poets characterized "every trifle" in their poems, after they expressed their: 


"Dat" (from Kazakh means) - make claims and complain discontent to the Sultan or the Khan (ruler);


"Naz" (from Kazakh means) - speak in a joking manner or by hint a small resentment only to close person, can also mean "a whim", and "coquetry";


"Ugіt" (from Kazakh means) - agitate, habituate, instruct;


"Nasihat" (from Kazakh means) - promote, speak edifications, moralizing speach, giving advice, engaging instruction.



But now they have reached such a level that began to show foresight and sagacity. So and there is true that since the times of Abay Kunanbayev the disease of Kazakh public nowadays hitherto  nobody has been able to express .However, nowadays consider ourselves as leaders and speak moral instructions to some poet, is at least will be unethical.


In the poem Esengali Raushan "In a nutshell on our sovereignty", it shows the position of the social and spiritual well-being of the Kazakhs - for a quarter of century without changes. The diagnosis is a precision. Incalculable quantity of thoughts gathered in the perfect couplet, where the whole point is focused. Writing of poem as in a simple and at the same time so difficult is possible due to mastering of the technical approach, as well as through a better understanding and knowledge of the needs of own nation. After all, in the consciousness of each nation there is their own understanding about the reflectionand replacement of fine lines and shapes that sometimes is used as an alternative. The best example of such experiment in the history antique literature is the "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri. In this poem, consisting of two couplets we acknowledge that the allegedly we see ourselves appeared in "gap between the two months"





Жоқтық деген немене – барлық делік,                  Joqtıq degen nemene – barlıq delik,            Lack of welfire we have

Бақыт деген дүние ме – алдық бөліп.                    Baqıt degen dünïe me – aldıq bölip.            Happiness is property and wealth that we have taken and divided

Дүниедегі ең ұлы көрініс не?                                  Dünïedegi eñ ulı körinis ne?                       What is the great viewing?


Ол шідерін үзген ат қарғып келіп.  Ol şiderin üzgen at qarğıp kelip.  It's a horse that teared and jumped upon to get free from hobble

In this difficult to translate quatrain is spoken about "What is the great viewing?  It's a horse that teared and jumped upon to get free from hobble" associated to Qazaqs willings to get freedom.  

Esengali Raushan - a writer who "keeps a tight rein on" the psychology of the reader, and fully understands it. 

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