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List of Astana city's history and cultural monumen...

27.06.2016 2353

List of Astana city's history and cultural monuments (part I).

List of Astana city's history and cultural monuments (part I). -
On the eve of 18th anniversary, I mean the adulthood of the young capital "Astana" - since 1998 officially presented to the world as the new capital of Kazakhstan (the city itself precursor ancient medieval fortress city Bozok there are several thousand years old), we offer you the list of monuments of history and culture of the city.

1) In the middle of the first millennium BC - Steppes of  Akmola from ancient times was a place where different cultures and civilization have met. The historian Herodotus mentioned a route through the Great Steppe (later Great Silk Road), which ran here  - Through the medieval town of Bozok - the predecessor of Astana the date of town construction - VII-VIII century.  Located on the eastern shore of Lake Buzukty.


2) Single Barrow Koktal - Early Iron Age (. VII-III centuries BC) in the northern part of the city, 1.5 km north of the village Koktal. 

3) Burial Shubar early Middle Ages the north-eastern part of the city of Astana, 1 km. northeast to. Shubar.

4) Burial Sarcoma early Middle Ages. 4 km. north-west of the village of Koschi 

5) Boneyard Kuygenzhar late II thousand. BC.  eastern extremity of Kuygenzhar, 4 km. to the east of the village.


6) Kozykosh Overwintering consists of parts I, II, III, IV, V - 4 km west of the village of Ilyinka 

7) Barrow on street Syganak - the end of I millennium BC.   in the New building up microdistrict on the right bank of the Yesil River and in the construction zone of Syganak Street   .

 8) Muslim cemetery "Karaotkel" 1609-1962 years - "Zhastar" District.  

In the old Muslim cemetery are buried over the age of 300-400 years. More than 100 tombstones from the Kazakh written based on Arabic script of the great figures in the history of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh Khanate. Such as Sameke Khan - son of Tauke Khan, a senior Sultan of Akmola Kudaymendiuly, Batyr Warriors - Amangeldy, Kabanbay, Bogenbay, Kosshygululy and other famous personalities of Central Kazakhstan.

9) Memorial and museum complex of victims of political repressions and totalitarianism "Alzhir" . Akmola region, Tselinograd district, village Akmol. 

The museum building is designed as a truncated cone from a distanceit is mysterious and solemn. The museum begins with a tunnel length of 12 meters and a width of 2.5 meters. The tunnel, the walls and created there reflect the composition of difficult periods of life of Kazakh people in the 1927-1937 year. Its surrounding wall on which itemized over 7620 names of of those who were in chains of fate.

10) The mosaic panels "Space" and "Print" 1972 - Str. Beibitshilik 25

The mosaic panels "Space" and "Print" in the main facade of the building printing plant - the authors V.I. Tovtin and M.J. Antonuk. The basic idea and the theme of these works are the expression of freedom of speech, press, publishing progress, which was reported to our times poets, artists and writers word-master phrases and deep thoughts Abai, Shakarim, Auezov, Seifullin and Shevchenko, Mayakovsky and others.

The article to be continued..

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