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Friendship of the fox and quail...

29.04.2021 3949

Friendship of the fox and quail 12+

Friendship of the fox and quail -

(Kazakh folk fairytale)

In the past, the foxes and quails became friends. A few days have passed. A fox couldn`t say anything to the quail and opened his stomach. Now, his friend wants to eat the quail and he is thinking in different way. One day, he went to the quail sitting on the bush and said:

– Well, quail, I have been friends with you for some time. I am ashamed of you too. I have nothing to give you, we are just friends.

– “God willing, thank you, I am full and I can't respect you again”, said the quail.

– Thank you for telling me that I could not give you anything. Let's talk, – said the fox.

– “Oh, thank you, I didn't land”, – said the quail, realizing that the fox had lied. Now, not knowing what to do, the fox stinks and has to tell the quail that he is hungry.

– Quail, I am hungry to be friends with you, your stomach is full. If you satisfy my hunger today, I will not forget you until I die, – said the fox.

Quail thinking a little:

– “Well, I will feed you now then”, – he said.

– “You don't have anything to eat”, – said the fox, laughing.

– “Now, Zharykbai's daughter-in-law will take a portion from here to her grandfather, she has a plate of meat in her hand, I will give it to you”, he said to the fox.

– “How can you get it for me”, – said the fox.

– “You know how to eat alone, and I know how to take it”, – says the quail.

– You are not visible right now. A lady passes away, with her little daughter. Before that I land and limp. Then, the little girl in the column saw me and cried. “Sister, give me this sparrow”, – she said. When I lean on it, it flies away, chases again, and finally, curiously, throws the plate away. Do you have a mouth to eat meat then? –said the quail.

While growing up, a woman came with a huge plate of meat in her hand.

– “Well, fox, get ready, I will fly”, says the quail. The fox is also hiding behind a cover. When it is fully lean, the quail flies and lands in front of them. Just as he said, the baby cries.

– “Sister, give me this sparrow”, he said. Leaning slowly, the quail flew away, landed again, chased again, and finally dropped the plate and chased, and the girl followed the boy. It takes longer than the meat on the plate. Some time passes in those two environments. Some of them land there, some of them land here, and some of them live there. A quail has recently flown up to ask if it was eaten, but the fox was full. Landing on the ground again, the bride leaned forward, climbed high and flew into the sky for a long time.

– “Oh, my girl, you are a man, did you mean not to catch it, it flew away”, – he cursed his daughter and came back to the plate. There is an empty plate. A girl was cursed more and more, and from time to time she looked back at the village...

The fox and quail have met a long time later.

– “How are you, fox, are you married?” – said the quail.

– “When I'm full, I'm full. Thank you to you” – says the fox.

A few days have passed after that. The fox needs entertainment and laughter. He comes to the quail again.

– Well, you are an idiot, how are you? – said the fox.

– Not bad, good, how thick are you, good? – said the quail to the fox.

– Don't ask for my mood, it's too bad”, – said the fox.

– Why? – said the quail.

– “If it's not bad, it will come back. I didn't laugh when you were my friend, or you didn't laugh”, – he said.

– If it is a dream, it will definitely come true now. Let me make you laugh. “Follow me, now” – said the quail. The fox was following the quail. Bringing him outside a village:

– You are not visible to anyone here, I go to the house where the camel is, and then I go to the head of the woman who is milking the camel, and then you see something interesting, – says the quail.

The fox is walking outside the village. At the same time, the quail landed on the camel's head. Then, he saw a carpenter cutting wood in front of the door:

– “Woman, woman, don't move, I will hit the quail on your head”, – he said. A woman is motionless. Under the tree, a woman is struck by the thud that echoes. The woman died soon after. A milk splashed on the carpenter's face, and he did not understand what had happened. The quail turns around and comes to the fox's place.

– How, fox, did you like laughter? How did the fool kill his wife? – he said.

– “Why should I laugh when I don't laugh at it, I'm so upset when I laugh, thank you”, said the fox.

The fox also likes to laugh, and then sees the goal of fear.

– Quail, I saw both the weaving and hunger on your back. I also saw a smile. Now you are threatening me. Quail has been thinking for a long time:

– Well, I'm scared, but if you obey me, – he says.

– “I will do as you say, and I'll do whatever you want”, said the fox.

– Then close your eyes and bite my tail. When I say, “Open your eyes”, you open them. I will do it if you agree. Said the quail.

– “All right”, said the fox.

The fox closes his eyes and leads the fox from the quail to the middle of the country. At the same time, when he saw a chasing country with dogs, he said:

– “Oh, fox, you can open your eyes”, he said. He flew into the sky and escaped. The fox turned his face towards the desert and ran away with all his might. Then, when the fox was dying of exhaustion and rested, the quail went to him and said:

– Are you tired? – he said. The fox woke up and saw a quail whose column had given to the enemy itself:

– “You are fool, and you lied”, – he said angrily.

– “Korkyt, korkyt would you grow up scaring me”, – said the fox, swallowing the quail.

Then, the quail lay inside and said:

– “We have been friends for a long time. At least you didn't catch your breath. Fox, open your mouth for God's sake, let me breathe a little”, – he said. When the fox opened his mouth, the quail flew away. As the quail came out of the fox's mouth, the fox closed its mouth again and tore off the quail's tail. That is why, the quail is still lame.

Thus, their friendship did not last long.

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