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Akhmet Baitursynuly
Constitution Day in Kazakhstan 2014...

30.08.2014 2555

Constitution Day in Kazakhstan 2014

Constitution Day in Kazakhstan 2014 -
Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the official holidays celebrated in Kazakhstan on 30 August. It was 30 August 1995 when the Kazakh people approved the new Constitution draft at the national referendum. This was one of the decisive moments on the way of building an independent state in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan obtained its independence in 1991 but it was only in 1995 when the Basic Law of the Republic was finally approved. This holiday is one of the most important state holidays since it reflects the Kazakh people’s will, their aspiration to approve the country as a democratic secular, constitutional and social state (Art.1 of the Constitution of Kazakhstan).

The Basic Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan was amended and modified twice: in 1998 and 2007. In 2007 the Constitution fixed a new form of a state system – presidential parliamentary.

By tradition on Constitution Day festivities, concerts and different exhibitions are held in all regions and cities of the Republic. The main festivity and official events are held in the country’s capital Astana. Solemn events are held in many parks and in the evening you can enjoy watching beautiful fireworks.


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