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Article dedicated to the 175 anniversary of the bi...

16.06.2016 3507

Article dedicated to the 175 anniversary of the birth of the outstanding educator of the Kazakh people, educator, folklorist, ethnographer, writer, public figure Ibray Altynsarin (1841-1889)

Article dedicated to the 175 anniversary of the birth of the outstanding educator of the Kazakh people, educator, folklorist, ethnographer, writer, public figure Ibray Altynsarin (1841-1889) -
Ibray Altynsarin - Kazakh teacher, educator, writer, folklorist, social activist, ethnographer. Author Kazakh textbooks: "Kazakh anthology" (1879; 2nd ed, 1906.) And "Initial guidance to the Russian language learning Kazakhs" (1879), author of fables and stories, as well as translations of Tolstoy, Ivan Krylov .
To produce versions of the alphabet based on Russian alphabet for writing Kazakh texts.
Altynsarin initiated the secular education of the Kazakh people. It opened four two-year central Russian-Kazakh school, one vocational school, one school for girls, five township schools, two schools for the children of Russian settlers. As well as the teachers' school in Troitsk, a little later, she was transferred to Orenburg.
Born on October 20 (November 1, New Style) 1841 in Nicholas County area Arakaragayskaya of Turgay region.
Early lost his father, he was brought up in the family of his grandfather, the famous beating, Balgozhi Zhanburshin.
In 1850, it has been identified in the school - a boarding school at the Orenburg Boundary Commission. He graduated from it in 1857 with a gold medal. Then for three years he worked as a clerk at his grandfather Balgozhi - control Uzun native tribe Kipchak, troop sergeant Orenburg commission.
Some time Altynsarin worked as a translator in the Orenburg regional administration, where he met with Ilminsky N.I.
In 1860, the regional board instructed him to open a school for Kazakh children in the town of Turgai, in which he was appointed teacher of the Russian language.
In 1861 he was appointed teacher Turgay school.
In 1864 he opened the first public school.
Altynsarin was awarded the rank of state councilor. Some time Altynsarin also worked in Turgai county management as a clerk, served as senior assistant district chief temporarily - of the district judge.
From 1879 to the end of life - Inspector Kazakh schools in Turgay region.
In 1883 he moved to Altynsarin Nicholaevskiy uezd (Kustanai) County. He built a house in three kilometers from the city of Kustanai, in the crook of the Tobol River, on an island where there was a small lake, which later received the name of "inspectors". There Ybyrai Altynsarin lived and worked until his death.
Altynsarin was awarded the title of state councilor.
Died July 17 (July 29), 1889, is buried near his home on the banks of the Tobol River near the grave of his father.
Literary works: Initial guidance to training Kazakh Russian language, Orenburg, 1879; Kazakh hrestomatiya, Orynbor 1906; Maktubat, october, 1896, 1899; Kazakh reader, Orenburg, 1879, 1906; Selected works 3 tom, A., 1943, 1953; Collected works in 3 Vols T.1-3, A.-A. 1975., 1978; Angimeler(novellas), A., 1980; Olender( The Songs); Azghan eldin khandary; Balghozha bidin balasyna zhazghan xat; Jaz; Kel, balalar, oqylyq; Qarlygash; Qargha men tylki; Hey, Dostarym; Hey, zhigitter; Ozen; Oner - Bilim bar zhurttar; Osiet olender; Angimeler; Izbasty; Ayuannyn estesi kop biraq adamday tolyq aqyly zhoq; Altyn -aydyr; Altyn shetteuik; Asyl schop; Aqymaq dos; Bilgennin paydasy; Bir uys maqta; Bai Balasy men Zharly Balasy; Bayuly; Balanyn aylasy; Baqsha aghashtary; Danyshpan qazy; Dunie qalay etsen tabylady; Jaman Zholdas; Zhamandyqqa zhaqsylyq; Zhan-zhanuarlardyn daulasqany; Zhirenshe Sheshen; Zhomart; Zhanibek batyr; Zerektik; Kiyz uy men aghash uy; Luqpan akim; Maldy paydagha zharatu; Meyirimdi bala; Muzhyq pen zhasauyl; Munsyz adam; Nadandyq; Oqudaghy balalardyn uyishine zhazghan xat; Peter patshanyn tergelgeni; Polkan Degen it; Salaqtyq; Sarandyq pen zhinaqtylyq; Sauysqan men qargha; Saqyp; Silinshi Degen Khanum; Satemir Khan; Taza Bulak; Talaptyn paydasy; Tyshqannyn osieti; Tulki men eshki; Takaparshilik; Sheshe Men Bala; Qanaghat; Qargha men qurt; Qypshaq Seyituly; Undi; Ush ury; Adidik; Adep; Ake men Bala; Alim kisi; Ormekshi, qumyrsqa, Karlygash; Otiriktin zalaly and other works.

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