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10 facts about Eldes Omaruli ...

06.03.2017 3515

10 facts about Eldes Omaruli

10 facts about Eldes Omaruli  -

  1. Born on March 1, 1892, in the former Turgai region of Qostanai county, Dambar volost, village Qojai – Died 2 December 1937) he is a public figure, teacher and writer.
  2. In 1907 he graduated from Russian-Kazakh College in only 2 years in Qostanai. In 1911 he also graduated from Russian-Kazakh Teachers Academy in Orynbor. ​
  3. He actively participated in the creation of Alashorda government. He participated in the first and second All-Kazakh Congresses. As Chairman of the Qostanai county Committee of Alashorda government he urged the local people to support a parliamentary republic of Alash Orda. He made a report about "The issue of the Land" on Extraordinary Congress of Kazakhs of Qostanai district held in Qostanai.
  4. He held positions of Turgai County the assistant of Commissioner, Turgai Region civil Chairman of the Committee.
  5. In 1920 - 22 year he was an instructor at the Orynbor People's Commissariat of Education, was a teacher at Soviet party school. During this period, he wrote many scientific articles.
  6. 1922 - 26 year the employee at center of the Academy of Kazakh People's Commissariat of Education, teacher at the Kazakh People Institute of Education (“Kazakh PIE”), political, social, educational and wrote numerous articles devoted to the issues of education and linguistics. Kazakh language, physics, geometry books, and contributed to the development of mathematical terms.
  7. In 1926 – 29 year politically persecuted Omarov, worked as a lecturer at the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University Of Central Asia and in Tashkent Pedagogical Institute. During this period, he wrote 2 geometry books for Kazakh schools, translates Zinger’s physics textbook on Kazakh language.
  8. Was arrested at the end of 1929, In April 1930 year, sentenced to be shot, after 10 years of exile in Arkhangelsk. In 1933 was justified.
  9. In 1934 -35 K year at Kazakh State Medical Institute, taught Kazakh language, wrote Kazakh language textbook for students of the institute. In 1935- 37 year worked as an associate professor of the Department of Kazakh language at Kazakh National University. Wrote the textbook of Russian language grammar and geometry problems for Kazakh schools. Was a victim of political repressions.
  10. Publications:

"The theme of the Kazakh writing and writing rules"(written with A. Baytursınulı. “Qazaq tili” 1923, March 22);

"New Writing rules" (Qizil Qazaqstan, 1924, No. 10);

"AC sounds subscription rules" (Enbekshi qazaq, May 9, 1925);

"Kazakh alphabet and Latin alphabet" (Jana Mektep, 1926, N9-10). etc.

20 articles on spelling alphabet.

"About Pronominal consoles in the Kazakh language" (Proceedings of the Kazakh Scientific Institute of the research in a National Culture.! A.-M. 1935);

* "On Reverse words in Kazakh Language" (also this) works morphology, syntax for publications in the field,

"Kazakh language sounds" (Jana Mektep, 1927, No. 2, 61-67.); "Kazakh sounds layers" (the new school, 1926, N 11-12,13);

"On the combination of sounds of the Kazakh language" (The year of work of the Kazakh Higher Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent, 1928) as well as works devoted to the study of the Kazakh language and sound system. - Literary Portal

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